# Bug Tracker

This page is dedicated to keeping track of the latest DaVinci Resolve bugs and issues.

We keep track of these bugs via our GitHub issues site.

GitHub is a safe and secure developers platform used by over 73 million users worldwide.

To submit a new bug report, simply sign up for a free GitHub account and post an issue here.

In general, whenever posting a new bug/issue to GitHub, we also submit feedback to the Blackmagic Design Forums.

# DaVinci Resolve 18.5

Here's a list of the 30 most recently added DaVinci Resolve 18.5 bug reports:

The above list is pulled from our GitHub issues site.

# Most Popular

Here's a list of the 30 most popular DaVinci Resolve bug reports:

The above list is pulled from our GitHub issues site.

# Recently Added

Here's a list of the 30 most recently added DaVinci Resolve bug reports:

The above list is pulled from our GitHub issues site.