# Cube LUT Format Specification

A Cube file is a text file with extension ".cube". It contains 2 parts: the header and the content. The header defines the properties of the LUT, while the content holds lookup table transformation data. The content section starts on a new line directly after last header definition.

The Cube LUT format supports 1D and 3D lookup tables, with an optional shaper LUT preceding it.

# 1D LUT

A 1D lookup table allows output values to be specified corresponding to equally spaced input values in a given range. In the header of the LUT, the size and range of the LUT can be specified as follows:



where: N - number of entries, up to a maximum of 65536 MIN_VAL - floating point input value corresponding to the first entry in the lookup table MAX_VAL - floating point input value corresponding to the last entry in the lookup table

The lookup data follows the header and contains as many entries as specified in the size entry in the header. Each line contains 3 space separated floating point values corresponding to the R, G and B output values respectively.

The first line of data corresponds to the minimum input value specified in the header, and the last line corresponds to the maximum input value. In between lines corresponds to monotonically increasing scaled values of the input. For example, if a LUT has size of 6 with minimum value 0.0 and maximum value 1.0, then the 6 lines of the table would correspond to input values 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 respectively.

For any input values that are not explicitly mapped in the table, the result is linearly interpolated between the nearest available values (i.e nearest entry higher than the input and nearest entry lower than the input) in the table.

# 3D LUT

A 3D lookup table is conceptually similar to a 1D LUT except that it allows for a lookup to be performed along each of the 3 color axes. This gives the user the ability to model a transformation where a change in one color channel may cause a change in the other two color channels as well.

Similar to a 1D LUT, the header contains information about the size of the lookup table as well as the range of input values.



where: N - number of entries per channel (NOTE: this results in a lookup table that has N * N * N entries) MIN_VAL - floating point input value corresponding to the first entry in the lookup table MAX_VAL - floating point input value corresponding to the last entry in the lookup table

The lookup data follows the header and contains N * N * N entries for a size N specified in the header. Each line contains 3 space separated floating point values corresponding to the R, G and B output values respectively.

The first line of data corresponds to the minimum input value specified in the header for all 3 channels, and the last line corresponds to the maximum input value for all 3 channels. In between lines corresponds to monotonically increasing scaled values of the input, with R values changing most rapidly. For example, if a LUT has size of 6 with minimum value 0.0 and maximum value 1.0, then the entries would correspond to all combinations of the 6 possible values for each input channel: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 respectively.

The first 6 values would correspond to increasing values of R (from minimum to maximum), while G and B are 0.0. The next 6 values would correspond to increasing values of R (again starting from the minimum value) while G is 0.1 and B is 0.0. Once all values of G are covered, B in increased to the next possible value and the whole sequence is repeated. This continues until all combinations are covered.

In a 3D LUT, the 3 color components of the input value are used to find the nearest indexed values along each axis of the 3D cube. The 3-component output value is calculated by interpolating within the volume defined by the nearest corresponding positions along each axis in the LUT. Resolve supports 2 types of interpolation for 3D LUTs - trilinear interpolation and tetrahedral interpolation.

# Shaper LUT

A LUT samples each of the axes in a uniform manner. However, there may be cases where more precision is needed in a specific region of the input range as opposed to the rest of it. In such cases, a shaper LUT can be used to re-map the input range as a pre-processing step in order to make better use of the LUT samples. Such an operation can be done using a 1D LUT and is called a shaper LUT. Shaper LUTs can be applied before either a 1D LUT or a 3D LUT. It is defined in the same way as a 1D LUT, and is defined first before the actual LUT.

# Optional Properties

  • Comments and descriptions can be inserted at any point. The line needs to start with the # character. Such lines are ignored by the parser.

  • A LUT can be given a descriptive title using the TITLE keyword as follows:

TITLE "Description"

  • In Resolve, LUTs are applied in data range (0.0 to 1.0). The input data is in data range, and the LUT is expected to output in data range. However, there may be LUTs that are designed to operate on and/or output video range data (64 - 940 in 10-bit scale). To handle these cases, there are two properties which can be used to notify Resolve that the input/output is in video range. Based on this, Resolve will handle the input/output values so that it works correctly in a data range processing pipeline. Depending on the LUT, one or both of these properties can be specified by having the keywords below on a new line.



# Examples

Please look for these example files in DaVinci Resolve's installation folder.

On MacOS, they are located at:

  • 1D LUT: /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT/VFX IO/Linear to Cineon Log.cube
  • 3D LUT: /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT/Blackmagic Design/Blackmagic 4.6K Film to Rec709.cube
  • Shaper LUT: /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT/ACES/LMT ACES v0.1.1.cube

On Linux, they are located at:

  • 1D LUT: /opt/resolve/LUT/VFX IO/Linear to Cineon Log.cube
  • 3D LUT: /opt/resolve/LUT/Blackmagic 4.6K Film to Rec709.cube
  • Shaper LUT: /opt/resolve/LUT/ACES/LMT ACES v0.1.1.cube

On Windows, they are located at:

  • 1D LUT: %PROGAMDATA%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\LUT\VFX IO\Linear to Cineon Log.cube
  • 3D LUT: %PROGAMDATA%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\LUT\Blackmagic Design\Blackmagic 4.6K Film to Rec709.cube
  • Shaper LUT: %PROGAMDATA%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\LUT\ACES\LMT ACES v0.1.1.cube